The importance of doing Corporate video properly.

2 mins read

Nowadays  it is vital for companies, both big and small – to invest a good amount of their marketing budget on a well constructed corporate video.

Whilst returns on traditional means of marketing – print, television etc have been squeezed for some time – video is bucking the trend – both on and offline.  Social media, the search engines and viral sharing of content are all factors in this, but before being able to take advantage of the marketing benefits of video – your video needs to be produced!

First – it is vitally important to ensure that the video produced looks totally professional. The draw backs of sending a less than brilliant corporate video out to the world are obvious and can do serious damage to your brand.

Indeed, the draw backs can be disastrous if the video is laughably bad – it has the potential to go viral, spread amongst people online across the world and do profound harm.

You should hire a professional video production company with a good track record in corporate video.  Unfortunately there are many companies of varying repute that will offer you a “good deal” – but in video production, as with so many other areas of life – you get what you pay for!

Another aspect to consider is using a company that has its roots outside of the corporate video world. It is widely acknowledged within the industry that corporate videos lack the dynamism of television, advertising and feature films. This is because many producers have worked their entire careers in corporate, which frequently gives them a more limited skill set creatively – although there are of course exceptions to that rule.

If you decide to use your staff in the corporate video, I would suggest having them interviewed by the production team – rather than being given scripted dialogue to work from.  I’ve seen some quite frightening results when team members talk from a script straight to camera.

Good graphics are important – the internet is completely littered with perfectly well shot corporate videos that have been totally undermined by horrendously cheap graphics. These graphics can date a video by years and give your company brand a serious bashing.

To conclude, with the proper amount of consideration, care and good judgement; a corporate video can do wonders.  Remember – If website is your shop front – you need something in the window to bring people into your shop – and people won’t be attracted by a badly produced shop window display – or out of date goods!


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